Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blog Post #13

frontal view of a blue computer screen, with a diploma and graduation cap sticking out from the screen.

"ALEX" and "ACCESS" Analysis

I did not know "ALEX and "ACCESS" existed, until I followed-up on Dr.Strange's Blog assignment #13. I glanced over all the links, on both sites, and was amazed. For those of you who read this blog, and aren't familiar with these two sites, let me explain. "ALEX", is like a personal learning network site(PLN), where there is virtual information, provided by the "State Of Alabama". I would compare it, to looking for something in the yellow pages. But these yellow pages, are on-line. There is a button(link),for all the different categories. Also, these virtual yellow pages, are not just for whats happening in Alabama, but the entire world. Imagine that, everything you need to know, or want to know, at your fingertips. If you're a teacher, it gets even better. There are links for lesson plans, podcast topics, professional learning, courses of study, and a link called ALEXville. ALEXville, has links to different sites, in different communities, about an array of topics, which vary, from local to international news.
The other site I investigated, was "ACCESS". This site, like "ALEX", is provided by the "State Of Alabama", and was designed, for every student to have equal access, to educational materials and courses. Even if you already are in school,and doing well, there is information there to enhance and improve your potential. There are links for on-line courses to take, graduation exams, support centers from universities and high schools, and links acknowledging contributions for teachers. All in all very informative educational site for teachers and students. This web-site is distant learning at its best.
In closing, I would like to say, I was so impressed with both sites, I took the liberty of book-marking them. I would strongly recommend you, to do the same. I will definitely be using this site in the future, not only in teaching, but networking as well.

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