Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blog Post #6 Assignment

Drawing on a poster, showing an individual in front of a computer.
The Networked Student

I really enjoyed the video, for several reasons. I've never seen a low tech presentation, that had so much appeal to the high tech audience. There were some mix reviews, but overall the comments were positive. This discussion  is about a question the narrator asked on the video, about the teachers' role. All of the answers given were on the mark. I agree a the teacher should help the students build the network, because that is where the foundation  for all of the other ideas to materialize.
Also, the only way anyone can make headway on any learning project, is to ask questions. Believe it or not, this will save you countless hours of research. If you only knew the people, who have similar interest, that are out there. The video does mention you will have to do some research on your own, but anything you do, will make it that much easier, for the next person with similar interest.
My take on the video was that, if you can be a little creative, the internet help you give a world class presentation , without the financial hardships, that you would otherwise incur. The resources are vast, and with  the aid from the web, you can find anything out there quickly. The last thing the video mentioned, I feel is important, is for the teacher to help the student organized the information obtain, so that the research can be put on the web, for the world to view

Kid standing next to SMARTboard,with his project showing.

Smart Boards Pros and Cons

The negative comments to the Smart Board(SB) is that it has been compared to a glorified overhead projector. Its cost is way to high, and its an electronic chalkboard. School systems buy the SB and sell the fact to the parents, that the SB is the future. With limited capabilities, the teachers still find themselves in front of the SB lecturing, as they always do, in front of students who are bored or disinterested.
The positives are, the SB is interactive, so students can participate in the class with the SB, which in turn keeps the students alert. The SB displays full color, high quality Images. Unlike the grainy or posters acetates. The Smart Board also adds punch to you lessons. To see the Smart Board Revolutions, go to

Computer desktop,filled with colorful buttons,with different titles on them.

7th Grade PLE

Very impressed, not only with the product, but the ease at which the 7th grader explained everything. For those of you that are not familiar with PLE or PLN, its stands for Personal Learning Environment. The latter is the same, except Network replaces Environment. A good description of a PLN, would be to visualize your keypad on your calculator or computer. Now, imagine the letters or numbers being replaced by names of sites and different links. Instead of clicking  several links to get to a destination on the internet, the necessary sites you visit, are readily available on one single screen. You just click whatever button which has your desired location and like that, you're there. Great idea, and everyone who spends a lot of time surfing the web, should have this.


  1. I believe that a smart board is a very efficient tool in the classroom. Although many may think that it is a waste of money, I do not see why a school should not have one if it will help students learn. I think anything that will help students learn should be used in the classroom if possible.

  2. I very much agree that about the low tech video appealing to such a high tech audience. It had a lot of useful information in the video and was executed very well.
    When I did the SB post I looked at the cons but also researched the pro's. Even though they are called glorified over head projectors, I still think they are very interactive and engaging for students.
    I also loved the 7th graders PLN presentation. It was very well done and organized. She was also very knowledgeable on everything she was presenting on there.
    Good Luck in edm310 and I hope you have a great Spring Break!


  3. Very good analogy on the PLN! I liked it.

    Very good post. You would benefit from work on your writing, but well done indeed!
